Red Karawana

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A Worldwide Journey Across Cultures, Flavors and Art


RED KARAWANA, a wandering spirit that composes inspiring journeys, surprising recipes and selective creations, bringing beauty with travel to our life. Our 7-Day curated luxury itineraries guide us into exotic lands, historic enclaves, preserved wilderness and picturesque countryside. Traversing diverse cultures we uncover culinary marvels, authentic recipes and gourmet artistry. A collection of memories resides in our travel chest featuring aesthetic images, colorful art and unique styles. Our travels, publication and boutique bring beauty all around.

Travel: Curated Itineraries – Self-Guided – Luxury & Adventure

Cuisine: Refined Flavors – Simple Mastery – Novice & Epicure

Boutique: Imaginative Art – Eclectic Designs – Style & Beauty

RED KARAWANA reflects my curiosity about the world, love for authentic cuisine, search for artisanal products and sense for esthetics and beauty. My roots are in Eastern Europe, my education is in the United States and my home is in Seattle. My travel interests continuously steer me to Asia, Europe and the Middle East, exploring diverse cultures and mastering multiple languages. With my experience as a business woman in corporate America, I decided to create a Global Culture Publication. Red Karawana expresses my passion, creativity, imagination and pursuit of quality. Our 7-Day curated itineraries offer guidance, simplicity and beauty to experience an amazing week.

CONNECT WITH US: [email protected]. Share your comments, interests and your travel needs. We will try to promptly respond.